
How to Combat Mental Health Stigma

How to Combat Mental Health Stigma

Stigmatizing mental health conditions creates a vicious cycle that prevents people from seeking the help they need due to fear of social repercussions. The consequences of stigma can be devastating and the only way to beat stigma is to fight against it. So how can we do this?

The 4 Stages of Detox Demystified

The 4 Stages of Detox Demystified

Do you think you’re dependent on alcohol or substances? Do you want to get sober? Not sure how to make this idea a reality? If the answer to these questions is yes, you should be proud of yourself for making the brave choice to prioritize yourself and your future.

How to Make A Mental Health Recovery Plan

How to Make A Mental Health Recovery Plan

Addiction and mental health are so heavily intertwined that it's impossible to focus on one without looking at the other. It has long been proven that addiction and recovery are as mental as they are physical.

Setting Realistic Goals For Recovery - Get SMART

Setting Realistic Goals For Recovery - Get SMART

The SMART technique has been used time and time again when setting realistic goals for recovery. And why is that? Because it works. Check out our blog where we give practical advice to help you recover, the SMART way.

What To Do If You Think Your Child Is Drinking

What To Do If You Think Your Child Is Drinking

As a parent, it can feel terrifying to suspect that your child or teen has started drinking. You feel helpless, torn between wanting to protect them and knowing that they need to start making decisions for themselves. There are constructive and destructive ways to approach this sensitive topic, and we're here to help you do it the right way.

How Experiential Therapies Help Those Recovering from Addiction

How Experiential Therapies Help Those Recovering from Addiction

Successful recovery requires a multifaceted approach that tackles the different physical, behavioral, and cognitive components of addiction. An increasingly popular method that works in conjunction with traditional talking treatments is experiential therapy.

30 Ways to Get to 30 Days - Recovery from Addiction

30 Ways to Get to 30 Days - Recovery from Addiction

In honor of #RecoveryMonth we want to give you 30 practical tips to get you to 30 days alcohol or substance-free. We would love for you to bask in the glow of your serious achievement and let it boost your confidence that you'll make it to day 60, 90, and beyond. You got this!

How to Stage an Intervention? Use Motivational Interviewing Techniques.

How to Stage an Intervention? Use Motivational Interviewing Techniques.

An intervention is designed to get an individual to change or alter their actions or habits. But no matter how great your words are or how much you pour your heart out, it has to be the individual who ultimately decides to make a change. The concept of motivational interviewing is to use empathy to get the interviewee to talk openly and comfortably about the issues at hand, and what they can do to change.

Three Surprising Facts About White-Collar Workers and Addiction

Three Surprising Facts About White-Collar Workers and Addiction

While not in our everyday verbiage, blue and white-collar workers are distinct in many areas. If you have listened to a Jeff Foxworthy comedy sketch within the last 15 years, then you would know all about what makes a blue-collar worker.