motivational interviewing

How to Help Your Partner with Their Drinking Problem

How to Help Your Partner with Their Drinking Problem

Watching a loved one suffer from a drinking problem is hard, but there is hope for recovery. While you can’t beat your partner’s addiction for them, you can help them with coping mechanisms and potentially even help them realize that they may need help to overcome their addiction.

How to Stage an Intervention? Use Motivational Interviewing Techniques.

How to Stage an Intervention? Use Motivational Interviewing Techniques.

An intervention is designed to get an individual to change or alter their actions or habits. But no matter how great your words are or how much you pour your heart out, it has to be the individual who ultimately decides to make a change. The concept of motivational interviewing is to use empathy to get the interviewee to talk openly and comfortably about the issues at hand, and what they can do to change.