The Truth About the Costs of Rehab

The Truth About the Costs of Rehab

If you’ve ever seen a TV show or movie where a character checks into rehab, it’s usually a montage of happy, feel-good scenes for the next few minutes. Bam! Their program is done in the time it takes you to pop another bag of popcorn.

While the Hollywood version of rehab is obviously not one to follow as they skip over so many of the ups and downs, they also skip over one very important detail: money.

Nothing in life is free, and rehab can certainly come with its own costs. But no one is ever seen getting out their wallet to fork over cash for rehab.

So that brings us to an important question: how does one pay for rehab? Is it through insurance? Out-of-pocket? Helpful friends and family members?

Many people view money as a significant factor in avoiding rehab and getting the help they need. We’re here to tell you that cost shouldn’t be an inhibiting factor in improving your life. 

Today, we’re going to jump in and talk about the money side of rehab.


The Big Answer: It Depends

We must start off with a small caveat. Similar to other healthcare options in the United States, there is no blanket answer as to how much rehab will cost.

It will depend on your state, insurance, current condition, and plenty of other things. But, that doesn’t mean that you should be cursing your luck if you feel like you don’t fall into the right criteria.

Paying With Insurance

The vast majority of private health insurances do cover at least a portion of treatment, if not the entire cost of treatment altogether. 

We can’t speak to every insurance plan out there, so we suggest giving a representative a call, heading to their website, or at least browsing through your health insurance plan. 

Chances are, you have one of the four major health insurance providers: Aetna, Cigna, BlueCross Blue Shield, or United.  

If you can’t find the answers, then we are more than happy to help you. You can also get in touch with us and verify your insurance here

The Affordable Healthcare Act

The ACA, AKA Obamacare does allow someone that is already struggling with an addiction to select a healthcare policy. 

The ACA can cover up to 90% of treatment depending on a number of factors.

Private Funds

Here, we’re talking about digging into your own bank account or even securing a financing option. Many people have turned towards places like GoFundMe to help out with payments or have even drawn out of their retirement accounts. Before you go about taking extreme measures, talk to the treatment center you’re interested in attending, and they can help lay out your options.

Medicare and Medicaid

You can’t talk about anything insurance related within the United States without bringing up Medicare and Medicaid. These federal and state-sponsored health benefits are in fact available for rehab.

Each program has various eligibility requirements, such as age and income requirements.There are also requirements about what level of care may be covered.  If you’re not sure, we can also assist you in finding out if you’re eligible for such programs.

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