Is Alcoholism Hereditary?

Is Alcoholism Hereditary?

It is said: «of alcoholic parents, alcoholic children». But this is not entirely true. The alcoholic behavior of your dad, your mom or your uncle, will not necessarily cause you or your children alcoholism. There is much talk about the genetic factor (and this factor only explains about 50% of the phenomenon), and whether there may be a predisposition to alcoholism that is inherited.

Here is when we enter the complex world of genetics, heredity, and other factors in a person’s life that may lead them to struggle with alcohol use disorders. If you have an alcoholic member in your family you should probably be wondering - am I going to turn into an alcoholic like my parents? Do I have an alcohol problem? What about my children? Will they develop an alcohol disorder as well? 

Molecular Genetics Of Alcoholism

Some studies demonstrate the genetic predisposition to develop the disease of alcoholism. In any case, what seems to be more proven is alcohol intolerance. That is, some people do not tolerate alcohol, and their consumption causes headaches, nausea, etc., even in small quantities. Almost all alcoholics have very low levels of beta-endorphins.

The risk is because when the brain stops its production of beta-endorphins, it becomes accustomed to the presence of surpluses and begins to depend more and more on the external source: alcohol. Numerous genes have been associated with the disease, but their contribution is not 100% certain. These genes operate through intermediate characteristics such as impulsivity and sensitivity to alcohol, which makes the definition of alcoholism phenotype a complex one.

If My Parents are Alcoholics, Am I Going To Be An Alcoholic?

If anyone is exposed to large amounts of an addictive substance over an extended period, it is likely that their brain will rewire to crave the substance. Even without a genetic component present, a person can still inherit a predisposition to alcohol use disorder due to the culture they grow up in. Although alcohol consumption does not affect all people equally, according to scientists, different endorphin levels make these individuals more sensitive to alcohol and, therefore, more susceptible to being dependent.

How Do I Know if I'm Drinking Too Much?


Keep track of your daily basis, ask yourself - are my drinking habits safe or risky? Am I abusing alcohol when I go out? It's tricky to spot the difference between alcohol addiction and having a drink every once in awhile. ‘Harmful drinking’ happens when there is a pattern of drinking which can cause damage to your health. Pay attention to your daily or weekly habits; this can give you an idea of your patterns and indicate whether or not you have a drinking problem.

Healthy Habits to Keep Your Body and Mind Clean 

Here are 10 healthy habits that will improve your quality of life, keeping yourself focus and happier:

  • Smile, even if you're having a bad day, we don't own all the problems in the world.

  • Daily gratitude, appreciate what you have.

  • Meditate, 5 minutes every day will make a difference.

  • Exercise ( at least 3 times a week).

  • Vitamins and minerals.

  • Drink water!

  • Constant learning.

  • Get at least 7 hours of sleep (ideally, 8).

  • Eat more greens.

  • Do something different every day to keep yourself motivated!

Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test 

Unfortunately, there are no specific tests for the diagnosis of alcoholism. In addition to adequate clinical assistance, different instruments such as questionnaires, surveys, scales, etc. are used, which are very helpful in identifying risk consumption, harmful consumption, and alcoholism. If you are in doubt, here we can help you answer some questions and find out if you need to start your recovery journey. 

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