
How Experiential Therapies Help with Boundary Setting in Addiction Recovery

How Experiential Therapies Help with Boundary Setting in Addiction Recovery

💚 Today, we delve into the crucial role of boundaries for self-preservation, emotional well-being, personal growth, and improved relationships in recovery. Discover how experiential therapies like the ROPES challenge course provide practical skills and confidence for effective boundary setting.

The Science Behind Why Recovery Resolutions Fail & Reframing Your Goals

The Science Behind Why Recovery Resolutions Fail & Reframing Your Goals

Embarking on a journey of recovery often starts with resolutions filled with hope and determination. However, understanding why these recovery resolutions can fail is key to reframing for success. Delving into the science of our brains and behaviors illuminates the complexities behind maintaining recovery resolutions.

How Alcohol Impacts Your Immune System

How Alcohol Impacts Your Immune System

Alcohol consumption, particularly in excess, can significantly weaken the immune system. This impairment can lead to increased susceptibility to infections and a prolonged recovery period from illnesses.

What Are Substitute Addictions & How Can You Avoid Them In Recovery?

What Are Substitute Addictions & How Can You Avoid Them In Recovery?

This article explores substitute addictions, which are behaviors adopted to replace unhealthy habits during recovery. It discusses the potential risks and negative impacts of substitute addictions while providing coping strategies to avoid relapse and promote a healthy recovery journey.

10 Alcohol-Free Things to Do in Twin Falls, Idaho This Weekend

10 Alcohol-Free Things to Do in Twin Falls, Idaho This Weekend

Making the decision to lead an alcohol-free lifestyle is huge and it can feel challenging, but that doesn’t mean your weekends have to be spent feeling left out. Here are 10 fun weekend activities in the Twin Falls area that don’t involve drinking.

How To Talk To Someone About Their Drug or Alcohol Use

How To Talk To Someone About Their Drug or Alcohol Use

Facing the realization that your friend or loved one has been abusing drugs or alcohol is a tough reality to face. You may have noticed signs that your friend or family member has been struggling with a private battle or recently discovered their problem. Opening a dialogue about their substance abuse is a process often plagued by feelings of guilt, self-blame, worry, and frustration, but providing your loved one with a safe and supportive foundation can help them recognize they need help and keep them committed to recovery. 

6 Ways to Support Your Sober Friends This Holiday Season

6 Ways to Support Your Sober Friends This Holiday Season

Over the holidays parties, family gatherings, get-togethers with friends, and enormous Christmas dinners come hand in hand. It can be easy to forget that the festive season is about spending time with those we love, not just hopping around from gathering to gathering.

This can pose particular challenges for people in recovery. Being surrounded by triggers and temptation leads to relapse. How can you support your friend or family member trying to recover during this time?

4 New Ways to Start the New Year Sober

4 New Ways to Start the New Year Sober

Do you have a hard time during the holiday season? This is often a time of year when family and friends spend time together, and cities are bustling with life, shopping, and all the seasonal merriment. 

The holidays also offer up a lot of tricky situations when we are at our most vulnerable. There may be triggers that come along with the end-of-the-year celebrations. The temptation to drink or use is heightened. With that in mind, here are four methods to help you start the new year sober or clean.

How to Know If You’re Being Gaslighted by Your Addicted Family Member

How to Know If You’re Being Gaslighted by Your Addicted Family Member

With more and more people openly discussing mental health, gaslighting has become a common subject over the past few years. There’s more and more awareness of this kind of emotional abuse, which helps to prevent it in relationships. But before accusing someone of this behavior, it is essential to know what gaslighting means and how to look for the signs of gaslighting.

What is the Difference Between Meditation and Mindfulness?

 What is the Difference Between Meditation and Mindfulness?

It can be all too easy for people to conflate the ideas of meditation and mindfulness. Understandable since the two terms are often used interchangeably. So is there a difference between meditation and mindfulness? The simple answer is yes. Read on to learn what the difference between meditation and mindfulness is.

50 Things to Do Instead of Drinking

50 Things to Do Instead of Drinking

Once you give up drinking, it can seem like half the things you used to enjoy are off the table. But if half your social life revolves around alcohol, this is unhealthy and may have been a contributing factor that leads to addiction. Deciding to live without alcohol may seem challenging, but all you have to do is look for things you can substitute for drinking.

The Power of Meditation in Sobriety

The Power of Meditation in Sobriety

Meditation, focusing and soothing the mind, has a vital role in sobriety. During the treatment process, you may suffer a rollercoaster of emotions. Practicing meditation can be an effective and reliable tool for handling these feelings during healing and long after you achieve sobriety. Meditation is done in different ways, but the important thing is finding the right style for you.

5 Mindfulness Hacks to Step Up Your Recovery

5 Mindfulness Hacks to Step Up Your Recovery

Speeding up your recovery from substance abuse can be difficult. But you can make it easier for yourself. Your diet, physical health, and even the people around you all can help you in big ways. How? Here are five mindfulness hacks to step up your recovery journey.

How to Help Your Partner with Their Drinking Problem

How to Help Your Partner with Their Drinking Problem

Watching a loved one suffer from a drinking problem is hard, but there is hope for recovery. While you can’t beat your partner’s addiction for them, you can help them with coping mechanisms and potentially even help them realize that they may need help to overcome their addiction.

Are Substance Abuse Disorders Genetic?

Are Substance Abuse Disorders Genetic?

Do your genes determine your fate? Why can one person drink normally, while another loses all control? Are some people destined to become addicts due to the quirks of their genetic makeup - factors beyond their control? Can nurture overcome nature? Today we tackle the debate - are substance abuse disorders genetic?

7 Things You DON'T Say to Someone in Recovery

7 Things You DON'T Say to Someone in Recovery

Recovery is a beautiful journey marked by self-discovery and transformation. That doesn't mean that it's easy, linear, or guaranteed. If your friend or loved one is in recovery, providing the proper support could be the difference between recovery and relapse. In honor of April being Alcohol Awareness month, we give you the inside scoop on ten things you DON'T say to someone in recovery.

Am I An Alcoholic? Ten Tell-Tale Signs of Alcoholism

Am I An Alcoholic? Ten Tell-Tale Signs of Alcoholism

Am I an alcoholic? If you have ever asked yourself this question, you are not alone. Alcohol plays a unique role in society. It is the only psychoactive substance that is legal, prevalent, and glamorized. It can also destroy your life. To see if your drinking has crossed over into disorder, look back on the last 12 months and ask yourself these 5 questions.