Alumni Resource Page

The Power of Ritual: 8 Tips to Create a Sober Morning Routine

The Power of Ritual: 8 Tips to Create a Sober Morning Routine

There is no sugarcoating that the early days of sobriety are difficult. Adjusting to new routines and mindsets without the influence of drugs or alcohol comes with a unique set of challenges and experiences. These challenges are a natural part of the recovery process, but it’s important to remember–just because sobriety is tough doesn’t mean it has to be hard. Read on to learn how a sober morning routine can help you hack your recovery goals and invite more ease into your day.

6 Addiction and Recovery Podcasts to Help Your Sobriety Thrive

6 Addiction and Recovery Podcasts to Help Your Sobriety Thrive

One of the hard truths of recovery is sticking with your decision to lead a sober lifestyle takes work. It isn’t a choice you make once, but rather one that you keep making time and time again. When the sobriety motivation starts to wane, having an arsenal of resources to support you can help you get through the tough moments without risking the progress you’ve already made. Grab your headphones and your favorite booze-free treat, here are 6 empowering recovery podcasts to keep you motivated on your path to sobriety.

What Are Substitute Addictions & How Can You Avoid Them In Recovery?

What Are Substitute Addictions & How Can You Avoid Them In Recovery?

This article explores substitute addictions, which are behaviors adopted to replace unhealthy habits during recovery. It discusses the potential risks and negative impacts of substitute addictions while providing coping strategies to avoid relapse and promote a healthy recovery journey.

10 Alcohol-Free Things to Do in Twin Falls, Idaho This Weekend

10 Alcohol-Free Things to Do in Twin Falls, Idaho This Weekend

Making the decision to lead an alcohol-free lifestyle is huge and it can feel challenging, but that doesn’t mean your weekends have to be spent feeling left out. Here are 10 fun weekend activities in the Twin Falls area that don’t involve drinking.