
7 Things to Do When a Loved One Relapses

7 Things to Do When a Loved One Relapses

Addiction is a chronic disease and studies show that 40-60% of people with a substance use disorder will face a relapse at some point. Managing a loved one’s relapse in recovery can be an arduous and emotionally taxing experience, but your support is critical to helping them get through it. Have you found yourself wondering what to do when a loved one relapses? Here are 7 things you can do to encourage them as they get their recovery back on track.

Marriage and Mental Health: How to Support a Spouse With Depression

Marriage and Mental Health: How to Support a Spouse With Depression

Depression can have devastating effects on those who suffer from it and their loved ones. If your spouse or partner is suffering from depression, the symptoms can have a strained impact on your marriage. However, your support is vital to helping your spouse as they work to overcome their mental health struggles. Keep reading to learn what you can do to help.

How to Find Friends As A Sober Adult

How to Find Friends As A Sober Adult

There is a lot of pain in realizing some relationships only value you as a drinking buddy and party friend, or that addiction may have harmed your most cherished connections. However, this realization can also guide you to friendships that value and accept you as you are on your current path. 

Making new friends as an adult may seem intimidating, but committing to this process can help you establish truly meaningful relationships and help you sustain a sober lifestyle. With this in mind, here are 4 ways to get started finding friends as a sober adult.

6 Ways to Support Your Sober Friends This Holiday Season

6 Ways to Support Your Sober Friends This Holiday Season

Over the holidays parties, family gatherings, get-togethers with friends, and enormous Christmas dinners come hand in hand. It can be easy to forget that the festive season is about spending time with those we love, not just hopping around from gathering to gathering.

This can pose particular challenges for people in recovery. Being surrounded by triggers and temptation leads to relapse. How can you support your friend or family member trying to recover during this time?

3 Root Factors That Make You Depressed Around Christmas Season

3 Root Factors That Make You Depressed Around Christmas Season

If the holiday season is said to be all about the festive mood, celebration, and cheer, then why do people feel depressed? Especially those people struggling with an addiction?

Today we look through the main reasons why you don’t feel jolly. We also give you suggestions on how to cope with those Christmas blues.

7 Ways You Can Support A Sober Spouse Over The Holidays

7 Ways You Can Support A Sober Spouse Over The Holidays

One in three Americans reports that substance addiction has affected their family. If this is the case for you too, you are probably asking yourself - how can I support my sober partner over the holiday season? While many people are excited about Christmas, others who are battling addiction often find this time of the year particularly stressful.

Here are 7 ways you can support your sober spouse over the holidays.

11 Steps to a Sober Holiday Season

11 Steps to a Sober Holiday Season

Whether you started your recovery journey recently or many years ago, the holiday season can be pretty challenging. It seems like society has conditioned us to think that celebration equals alcohol. And it is no surprise that many people find that triggering.

With that in mind, here’s 11 steps you can use to help you get through the holiday season sober 🤜

How to Know If You’re Being Gaslighted by Your Addicted Family Member

How to Know If You’re Being Gaslighted by Your Addicted Family Member

With more and more people openly discussing mental health, gaslighting has become a common subject over the past few years. There’s more and more awareness of this kind of emotional abuse, which helps to prevent it in relationships. But before accusing someone of this behavior, it is essential to know what gaslighting means and how to look for the signs of gaslighting.

How to Avoid Seasonal-Affective Disorder as an Addict?

How to Avoid Seasonal-Affective Disorder as an Addict?

This time of year can be challenging, particularly for those suffering from addiction, as celebrations and holidays are often triggering for those in recovery. It can be even more difficult when suffering from Seasonal Affective Disorder. Here are some tips to help you cope.

How to Help Your Partner with Their Drinking Problem

How to Help Your Partner with Their Drinking Problem

Watching a loved one suffer from a drinking problem is hard, but there is hope for recovery. While you can’t beat your partner’s addiction for them, you can help them with coping mechanisms and potentially even help them realize that they may need help to overcome their addiction.

Can PTSD Cause Addiction?

Can PTSD Cause Addiction?

What is the relationship between PTSD and addiction? Why does PTSD increase the risk of struggling with addiction and how can you help someone struggling with these issues? We break down the link between PTSD and addiction and show you how to help someone cope.

Are Substance Abuse Disorders Genetic?

Are Substance Abuse Disorders Genetic?

Do your genes determine your fate? Why can one person drink normally, while another loses all control? Are some people destined to become addicts due to the quirks of their genetic makeup - factors beyond their control? Can nurture overcome nature? Today we tackle the debate - are substance abuse disorders genetic?

10 Tips for Families to Cope with Addicts

10 Tips for Families to Cope with Addicts

Addiction doesn't just affect the addict, it can be devastating for the entire family. The financial, emotional, and physical burden of dealing with someone that has an addiction could overwhelm anyone. If your loved one is in active addiction or early recovery, it's essential to take care of yourself. Here are ten tips to help family members cope.