Mental Health

Starting 2023 Off Right: Forgiving Yourself Through Mindfulness

Starting 2023 Off Right: Forgiving Yourself Through Mindfulness

The new year is a time for taking a step back to ask yourself how things went. What our minds usually like to do is focus on the negative aspects. I didn't do X. I should have done Y. It's easy to get caught up in regret. However, it's not healthy. We must be kind and forgive ourselves. And one of the best ways to reflect positively is through the practice of mindfulness. But how can you use mindfulness to be more healthy, self-aware, and successful in 2023.

Here, we cover these topics and give you tools to tackle the new year head-on.

3 Root Factors That Make You Depressed Around Christmas Season

3 Root Factors That Make You Depressed Around Christmas Season

If the holiday season is said to be all about the festive mood, celebration, and cheer, then why do people feel depressed? Especially those people struggling with an addiction?

Today we look through the main reasons why you don’t feel jolly. We also give you suggestions on how to cope with those Christmas blues.

What is the Difference Between Meditation and Mindfulness?

 What is the Difference Between Meditation and Mindfulness?

It can be all too easy for people to conflate the ideas of meditation and mindfulness. Understandable since the two terms are often used interchangeably. So is there a difference between meditation and mindfulness? The simple answer is yes. Read on to learn what the difference between meditation and mindfulness is.

What are the 5 Principles of Trauma-Informed Care?

What are the 5 Principles of Trauma-Informed Care?

“Trauma-Informed Care” is the new kid on the block when it comes to addiction treatment. But what exactly does it mean?

Trauma-informed care recognizes that it is not only physical trauma that can have long-lasting neurological, emotional, social, biological, and psychological effects. It also involves five guiding principles that are adhered to by people’s physical and emotional safety.

10 Stress-Busting Techniques to Try Today

10 Stress-Busting Techniques to Try Today

Stress is America's silent killer. The consequences of prolonged periods of stress are as harmful to the body as alcoholism and substance abuse, but many don't pay attention to the warning signs. Don't let this happen to you. When you notice your stress levels rising, use one of our ten stress-busting tips.

How to Combat Mental Health Stigma

How to Combat Mental Health Stigma

Stigmatizing mental health conditions creates a vicious cycle that prevents people from seeking the help they need due to fear of social repercussions. The consequences of stigma can be devastating and the only way to beat stigma is to fight against it. So how can we do this?

How to Make A Mental Health Recovery Plan

How to Make A Mental Health Recovery Plan

Addiction and mental health are so heavily intertwined that it's impossible to focus on one without looking at the other. It has long been proven that addiction and recovery are as mental as they are physical.

9 Tips to Manage Stress in Recovery

9 Tips to Manage Stress in Recovery

Stress is an unfortunate part of life, and in recovery, it can be flat-out dangerous. Small amounts can push us to find solutions, overcome challenges, and thrive. Yet too much can affect our health, decrease our productivity, and cause us to make poor decisions.

Even more concerning, it can push us back towards unhealthy coping mechanisms. It is vital to have a list of tools you can draw on when dealing with stress to prevent relapse in recovery.

How to Stage an Intervention? Use Motivational Interviewing Techniques.

How to Stage an Intervention? Use Motivational Interviewing Techniques.

An intervention is designed to get an individual to change or alter their actions or habits. But no matter how great your words are or how much you pour your heart out, it has to be the individual who ultimately decides to make a change. The concept of motivational interviewing is to use empathy to get the interviewee to talk openly and comfortably about the issues at hand, and what they can do to change.