stress management

5 Ways to Help A Loved One During a Panic Attack 

5 Ways to Help A Loved One During a Panic Attack 

Did you know? Panic attacks and anxiety disorders are among the most common mental health challenges with studies showing that an estimated 13% of people will experience a panic attack at some point in their life. Despite their prevalence, it can be difficult to know how to respond to a friend or loved one who is experiencing a sudden and unpredictable onset of panic.

How to Discuss Addiction Treatment With Your Employer

How to Discuss Addiction Treatment With Your Employer

Seeking treatment for a substance use disorder is a life-changing decision and for many people in recovery, the choice to get professional help holds the key to getting their life back on track. Nevertheless, addiction treatment is a considerable commitment, especially for those in need of assistance from an inpatient program.

What are Relapse Dreams? 3 Things You Should Know

What are Relapse Dreams? 3 Things You Should Know

It’s no secret that getting quality sleep has a major impact on our overall health and well-being, but for people in recovery, falling asleep may not always be as relaxing as it sounds. Relapse dreams can be a common occurrence for both those progressing through addiction treatment and those maintaining their sobriety, but what are relapse dreams and what do they mean for your recovery?

College Students and Drinking: Is Your Child Hiding Their Alcohol Abuse? 

College Students and Drinking: Is Your Child Hiding Their Alcohol Abuse? 

As young adults entering a strange new world, college students face a variety of unique challenges that can feel both exciting and nerve-racking. In search of ways to cope with their new surroundings, many students resort to drinking as a way to fit in with their peers, manage stress, and lower inhibitions.

Living Substance Free: How to Cope With Boredom in Recovery

Living Substance Free: How to Cope With Boredom in Recovery

Boredom is a normal human experience, but it can be a formidable threat for people in addiction recovery. Feelings of boredom can increase the risk of substitute addictions, hazardous decisions, and relapse, especially for those in the early stages of adopting a sober lifestyle.

4 Common Misconceptions About Inpatient Substance Abuse Treatment

4 Common Misconceptions About Inpatient Substance Abuse Treatment

It’s no myth that getting sober is a transformative and tremendous accomplishment. An inpatient residential treatment program can offer you a way to ease into your recovery by removing external distractions and encouraging you to engage in healing therapies like mental health counseling, with 24/7 access to your treatment support team.

How to Manage Job Stress in Recovery: 6 Helpful Strategies

How to Manage Job Stress in Recovery: 6 Helpful Strategies

Most workplaces come with a special blend of stressors and responsibilities, but if your stress is having an impact on your ability to maintain your sobriety and mental health, it’s important to find realistic coping mechanisms to combat the pressure rather than rely on drugs or alcohol. Discover how to manage job stress without resorting to substances. Here are 6 helpful strategies to improve your workplace well-being.

What are the 5 Stages of Mental Health Recovery?

What are the 5 Stages of Mental Health Recovery?

There are 5 stages of mental health recovery. The stages include accepting support, educating yourself, taking action, building the framework, and committing to recovery. Each stage involves different aspects of seeking help, gaining insight, implementing tools, finding fulfillment, and making a commitment to ongoing recovery.

10 Stress-Busting Techniques to Try Today

10 Stress-Busting Techniques to Try Today

Stress is America's silent killer. The consequences of prolonged periods of stress are as harmful to the body as alcoholism and substance abuse, but many don't pay attention to the warning signs. Don't let this happen to you. When you notice your stress levels rising, use one of our ten stress-busting tips.

10 Tips for Families to Cope with Addicts

10 Tips for Families to Cope with Addicts

Addiction doesn't just affect the addict, it can be devastating for the entire family. The financial, emotional, and physical burden of dealing with someone that has an addiction could overwhelm anyone. If your loved one is in active addiction or early recovery, it's essential to take care of yourself. Here are ten tips to help family members cope.

9 Tips to Manage Stress in Recovery

9 Tips to Manage Stress in Recovery

Stress is an unfortunate part of life, and in recovery, it can be flat-out dangerous. Small amounts can push us to find solutions, overcome challenges, and thrive. Yet too much can affect our health, decrease our productivity, and cause us to make poor decisions.

Even more concerning, it can push us back towards unhealthy coping mechanisms. It is vital to have a list of tools you can draw on when dealing with stress to prevent relapse in recovery.