Avoiding Relapse

7 Things to Do When a Loved One Relapses

7 Things to Do When a Loved One Relapses

Addiction is a chronic disease and studies show that 40-60% of people with a substance use disorder will face a relapse at some point. Managing a loved one’s relapse in recovery can be an arduous and emotionally taxing experience, but your support is critical to helping them get through it. Have you found yourself wondering what to do when a loved one relapses? Here are 7 things you can do to encourage them as they get their recovery back on track.

5 Ways a Sober Living Home Can Strengthen Your Recovery Goals

5 Ways a Sober Living Home Can Strengthen Your Recovery Goals

In the early stages of addiction recovery, it is not uncommon for the newly sober to discover their current living environment is creating a roadblock on their journey, as they may find themselves surrounded by distractions, stressors, and temptations that can usher in a relapse. In this post, we will explore the benefits of a sober living home, what you can expect from sober living requirements, and how changing your environment can radically encourage your recovery goals. Keep reading to learn more.

The Power of Ritual: 8 Tips to Create a Sober Morning Routine

The Power of Ritual: 8 Tips to Create a Sober Morning Routine

There is no sugarcoating that the early days of sobriety are difficult. Adjusting to new routines and mindsets without the influence of drugs or alcohol comes with a unique set of challenges and experiences. These challenges are a natural part of the recovery process, but it’s important to remember–just because sobriety is tough doesn’t mean it has to be hard. Read on to learn how a sober morning routine can help you hack your recovery goals and invite more ease into your day.

6 Addiction and Recovery Podcasts to Help Your Sobriety Thrive

6 Addiction and Recovery Podcasts to Help Your Sobriety Thrive

One of the hard truths of recovery is sticking with your decision to lead a sober lifestyle takes work. It isn’t a choice you make once, but rather one that you keep making time and time again. When the sobriety motivation starts to wane, having an arsenal of resources to support you can help you get through the tough moments without risking the progress you’ve already made. Grab your headphones and your favorite booze-free treat, here are 6 empowering recovery podcasts to keep you motivated on your path to sobriety.

10 Alcohol-Free Things to Do in Twin Falls, Idaho This Weekend

10 Alcohol-Free Things to Do in Twin Falls, Idaho This Weekend

Making the decision to lead an alcohol-free lifestyle is huge and it can feel challenging, but that doesn’t mean your weekends have to be spent feeling left out. Here are 10 fun weekend activities in the Twin Falls area that don’t involve drinking.

50 Things to Do Instead of Drinking

50 Things to Do Instead of Drinking

Once you give up drinking, it can seem like half the things you used to enjoy are off the table. But if half your social life revolves around alcohol, this is unhealthy and may have been a contributing factor that leads to addiction. Deciding to live without alcohol may seem challenging, but all you have to do is look for things you can substitute for drinking.

What are the 5 Principles of Trauma-Informed Care?

What are the 5 Principles of Trauma-Informed Care?

“Trauma-Informed Care” is the new kid on the block when it comes to addiction treatment. But what exactly does it mean?

Trauma-informed care recognizes that it is not only physical trauma that can have long-lasting neurological, emotional, social, biological, and psychological effects. It also involves five guiding principles that are adhered to by people’s physical and emotional safety.

The Power of Meditation in Sobriety

The Power of Meditation in Sobriety

Meditation, focusing and soothing the mind, has a vital role in sobriety. During the treatment process, you may suffer a rollercoaster of emotions. Practicing meditation can be an effective and reliable tool for handling these feelings during healing and long after you achieve sobriety. Meditation is done in different ways, but the important thing is finding the right style for you.

Are Substance Abuse Disorders Genetic?

Are Substance Abuse Disorders Genetic?

Do your genes determine your fate? Why can one person drink normally, while another loses all control? Are some people destined to become addicts due to the quirks of their genetic makeup - factors beyond their control? Can nurture overcome nature? Today we tackle the debate - are substance abuse disorders genetic?

7 Things You DON'T Say to Someone in Recovery

7 Things You DON'T Say to Someone in Recovery

Recovery is a beautiful journey marked by self-discovery and transformation. That doesn't mean that it's easy, linear, or guaranteed. If your friend or loved one is in recovery, providing the proper support could be the difference between recovery and relapse. In honor of April being Alcohol Awareness month, we give you the inside scoop on ten things you DON'T say to someone in recovery.

How to Combat Mental Health Stigma

How to Combat Mental Health Stigma

Stigmatizing mental health conditions creates a vicious cycle that prevents people from seeking the help they need due to fear of social repercussions. The consequences of stigma can be devastating and the only way to beat stigma is to fight against it. So how can we do this?

The 4 Stages of Detox Demystified

The 4 Stages of Detox Demystified

Do you think you’re dependent on alcohol or substances? Do you want to get sober? Not sure how to make this idea a reality? If the answer to these questions is yes, you should be proud of yourself for making the brave choice to prioritize yourself and your future.

Setting Realistic Goals For Recovery - Get SMART

Setting Realistic Goals For Recovery - Get SMART

The SMART technique has been used time and time again when setting realistic goals for recovery. And why is that? Because it works. Check out our blog where we give practical advice to help you recover, the SMART way.

Zach N: From Near Death to Recovery from Heroin & Opioid Addiction

Zach N: From Near Death to Recovery from Heroin & Opioid Addiction

Zach had a great job, was making “killer” cash, and thought that because he had money, his drug use wasn’t a problem. He was spending $600/day on heroin & opioids for years. After a near-death experience, he got help. Now, he’s been clean for six years. Read his inspirational story & learn what message he has to share with anyone struggling with addiction.

5 Tried & Trusted Tips to Manage Anxiety

5 Tried & Trusted Tips to Manage Anxiety

One of the most common experiences addicts share is that of anxiety. Overwhelming feelings of terror or panic compound their physical dependence on alcohol or substances. They fall into a vicious cycle where the sufferer turns to their substance to escape from their anxiety, which in turn leaves them more anxious than they were before.

How Experiential Therapies Help Those Recovering from Addiction

How Experiential Therapies Help Those Recovering from Addiction

Successful recovery requires a multifaceted approach that tackles the different physical, behavioral, and cognitive components of addiction. An increasingly popular method that works in conjunction with traditional talking treatments is experiential therapy.

30 Ways to Get to 30 Days - Recovery from Addiction

30 Ways to Get to 30 Days - Recovery from Addiction

In honor of #RecoveryMonth we want to give you 30 practical tips to get you to 30 days alcohol or substance-free. We would love for you to bask in the glow of your serious achievement and let it boost your confidence that you'll make it to day 60, 90, and beyond. You got this!