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Sobriety Tips to Get You Through the Holiday Season

Sobriety Tips to Get You Through the Holiday Season

The holiday season is upon us, and while it's a time of joy and celebration, it can also bring unique challenges for those in recovery. Often, seasonal merriment can make it hard to escape triggers that test our commitment to sobriety. 

With a landscape of festive gatherings and holiday cheer often intertwined with alcohol, it can be tempting to shut yourself away and distance yourself from friends and family at this time of year. 

Instead of doing that, you can navigate the festive season with the right strategies and mindset while maintaining your sobriety. Here are practical tips to help you navigate the season while keeping your recovery journey on track:

Focus on the True Spirit of the Season

The first thing to remember before the holidays is that they aren’t just about parties and gatherings. Gatherings can be a significant source of anxiety for people in recovery. Questions like ‘What am I going to do when there are all these parties based around drinking?’ and ‘How do I tell people I can’t go without telling them why?’ 

The holidays take on the meaning you give to them. For you, they can be a time to reflect on the year and appreciate the progress you’ve made in your recovery journey. Focus on what you have to be grateful for and spend time with friends and family who support you. And when it comes to avoiding triggers, here are a few things you can do to stay on track…

Lean on Your Support System

Lean on your support network more than ever during the holidays. Attend support group meetings, stay in touch with your sponsor, and connect with sober friends who understand your journey​​. 

Share your concerns and challenges with them, and let them know how they can support you​​. If you find friends’ drinking too much, then there are a few ways you can try to find new sober friends or plan sober activities with your friends, like outdoor adventures, arts and crafts, or volunteering. 

Planning gives you options to engage in enjoyable experiences that support your sobriety​​. Don’t be afraid to let people know you’re struggling; showing friends and family love is what the holiday season is about, and they should be happy to help. If you aren’t sure who to speak to, you can always reach out to us here.

Prioritize Self-Care and Mindfulness

The holidays can be hectic, but keeping up your self-care routines is essential. Prioritize activities that promote relaxation and mindfulness, such as meditation or yoga

Practicing mindfulness can help you keep a level head throughout this intense time of the year and maintain focus on your recovery goals​​. You don’t have to take up yoga for your New Year's resolution, but practicing mindfulness in your daily life will help you identify and healthily address sources of stress and anxiety across the holiday period.

Navigate Social Gatherings with Confidence

The reality of social events around the holidays is that there can be a lot of social pressure to drink, which is one reason the holidays can be so stressful. Being proactive and thinking ahead about potential challenges can help give you the confidence to go out regardless. 

Tackling these challenges can be as simple as planning how to address questions about not drinking or something as simple as carrying a non-alcoholic drink in your hand to avoid offers of alcohol​​. Remember, it's okay to decline invitations to events that might jeopardize your sobriety​​.

Develop Healthy Coping Strategies

The holiday season can bring about stress and emotional upheaval. Equip yourself with healthy coping mechanisms, such as going to therapy, journaling, or engaging in physical activities. 

This can help manage stress without resorting to substance use​​. One of the best pieces of advice is to start your day with a ritual that grounds you in your recovery goals. Whether it's meditation, exercise, or reading… a consistent morning routine can set a positive tone for the day​​.

Seek Professional Help if Needed

Remember, recovery is a journey, not a destination. Be gentle with yourself and acknowledge your progress. If you encounter setbacks, approach them as opportunities for growth and learning​​.

If you find the holiday season particularly challenging, don’t hesitate to seek additional support from addiction treatment professionals. They can offer personalized advice and support to help you stay on track​​. 

If you’d like more tips, check out our blogs for practical advice for the holiday period and beyond. Remember, overcoming every challenge is a step forward in your recovery journey.