5 Things Your Loved One With Depression Wants You to Know

5 Things Your Loved One With Depression Wants You to Know

Depression – a word often thrown around casually in conversations, but for those struggling with it, the reality can feel exhausting. When a loved one is living with depression, it can feel hard to understand what they’re going through. That’s why we’ve put together a list of things that our loved ones wished we knew when they’re battling depression.

How To Support A Loved One With Depression

1. It's More Than Just Sadness

Depression isn't simply about feeling blue on a gloomy day. It's a persistent desolation that can't be shaken off with a good movie or a night out. Do your best to recognize the depth of their experience.

2. They're Not Seeking Attention

They don't "want" to feel this way, and they're certainly not exaggerating their feelings for attention. What they seek is understanding, patience, and genuine care.

3. Guilt Often Accompanies Their Depression

They also worry about how their depression affects you. There's often an inner voice telling them they're a burden on you. Assure them that you're taking care of your emotional health too. Reassure them that they're loved, and their well-being is incredibly important to you.

4. They Don't Expect You to Fix Them but They Value Your Presence

They understand that you might not have all the answers. And that's okay. They don't expect solutions; they cherish your ongoing support. Just sitting beside them, lending an ear or a comforting hug can speak volumes.

5. Celebrate the Small Wins

Every day can be a silent battle. What might seem trivial to you could be a significant step for them. Getting out of bed, attending a social gathering, or even just making a phone call can be massive tasks. Celebrate the days they feel a little better, the times they open up, or when they accomplish tasks, no matter how small.

Walking Together at The Walker Center

Understanding a loved one's depression requires empathy, patience, and love. At The Walker Center, we understand the intricacies of mental health and our dedicated team is here to offer the guidance and support your loved one needs.

If your loved one is navigating the dangerous waters of depression, remember you're not alone. We're here to help, offering insights and therapeutic support. Reach out, and let's walk this journey together. If you’d like to learn more about the science behind depression and anxiety, check out our blog here.