Stay sober this holiday season with our #walkingsoberchallenge

Join our #walkingsoberchallenge

 We all love holidays, a season full of love and beautiful moments to share with friends and family. But it is also one of the toughest times for people who are trying to stay sober. That is the reason we are creating a "Stay sober challenge during the holidays" called #wakingsoberchallenge. We will like to invite you and all the people that want to join us, to share their personal stories with the #walkingsoberchallenge hashtag on them. Join the challenge!It is easy to participate. You just need to:

  1. Tag and challenge your tribe to stay sober during the holidays (through social media, it can be Facebook or Instagram)

  1. Post a picture of yourself with the #walkingsoberchallenge (you can be creative, it can be the way you want) in your social media channels - example "I'm walking sober to support my tribe! #walkingsober"

  2. Tag us: we will repost it to help keep you accountable

  3. Help to spread the word! Remember -> Together, we are stronger!

  4. JOIN US! The sober challenge will start on November and end on January 1st, there will be giveaways for those #soberwarriors that stick with us until the end of the challenge!

Who’s ready? Sign up now.

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