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The 12 Step Process – Why This Program Works

The 12 Step Process – Why This Program Works

The 12 Step Program Principles are founded in a long history of “Things That Do Work” and are strongly suggested to be implemented in conjunction with outpatient treatment groups and inpatient treatment at the Walker Center.

We view the 12 Steps as an important cornerstone on the path to recovery because it is an effective Program no matter the person or their situation.The overall concept behind the 12 step program is encourage an addict to become actively involved in a support group that promotes sobriety and accountability.

The driving force behind this strategy is that addicts are more likely to recover with a larger support group around them, and more specifically, a group that understands and empathizes with their struggles.

Although the 12 Steps may be slightly altered to be more specific to their target (cocaine anonymous, narcotics anonymous or different emotional disorders) the three overarching principles of the program remain the same:

  1. Acceptance:

    Including the realization that drug addiction is a chronic, progressive disease over which one has no control, that life has become unmanageable because of drugs, that willpower alone is insufficient to overcome the problem, and that sobriety is the only alternative.

  2. Surrender:

    Which involves giving oneself over to a higher power, accepting the fellowship and support structure of other recovering addicted individuals, and following the recovery activities laid out by the 12 Step program.

  3. Involvement:

    In 12 Step meetings and related activities, including working with a sponsor or involving family & friends in support groups. Involvement continues beyond the completion of the program, and becoming a sponsor can enhance personal accountability.

The 12 step principles and virtues were developed by the founders of Alcoholics Anonymous and have hardly been edited in their 70-year history. This process has stood the test of time and helped countless addicts find sobriety and peace. They work. And here’s why:

Honesty and Hope:

The 12 step environment forces addicts to be honest with themselves about their problems and honest with their peers about their struggle to find sobriety. For many addicts, this change in mentality can greatly change their outlook on life and their addiction.

Coming to belief that a power greater then ourselves could restore us to sanity provides hope that life can get better


The 12 Steps are part of the larger treatment structure, and provide a detailed road map for recovery. If you participate in inpatient treatment, your structure will be very different than outpatient, but for many addicts this detailed structure provides concrete goals to work toward.

This structure can be especially beneficial for addicts, or friends & family of addicts, who are seeking help but not sure where to begin.


For many addicts or their families, support is key because it’s empowering to know you’re not alone. By having an addict become actively involved in a group setting that focuses on sobriety, they feel supported and empathized with. Struggles are recognized and talked about, accomplishments are celebrated. Their group peers and sponsor have been in their shoes and know the struggle.

For friends & family in an Al-Anon or Nar-Anon group, they know that they are not alone ad receive extra tips for supporting their loved ones and establishing their own recovery. When considering different treatment options, the 12 Step Program is one of many vital resources available depending on the needs of your situation.

Whether you think you may need help and are considering treatment for yourself, or if you’re concerned about a friend or family member, or think you might need help, reach out to The Walker Center for an anonymous consultation.

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